Is it Safe to Buy Lumineers Online?

lumineers via mail

I saw advertisements a while back for Lumineers and really wanted them to help even out my smile and make it whiter, but they were a bit more expensive than I could afford at the time. I recently came across an ad for Lumineers I can do at home, and I’m wondering if they’re a safe option. They appear to be the same thing I saw before- there’s no tooth removal and they just attach to the front of the tooth.



Dear Kent,

Those probably weren’t the brand name veneers you saw for sale. Lumineers is a special trademarked name for a type of ultra-thin veneers, often touted as a no-prep or minimal-prep option. However, they are only available through dentists and can only be applied by dentists, so the product you saw was likely counterfeit. With that said, going that route isn’t a good idea.

Alternatives to Mail-Order Lumineers

You can enhance your smile safely even if you’re on a budget, but generally not with any kind of mail-order gimmick or DIY technique. Start by having a talk with your dentist about what you want to correct and let him know you’re on a budget.

Whitening: Professional tooth whitening can make your smile several shades brighter. Fast results are usually achieved with Zoom! Whitening or a similar in-office system, though you can also get comparable results with professional-strength take-home whitening systems for a little less.

Dental Bonding: If you still want minor imperfections corrected, such as mall chips or gaps, cosmetic bonding will likely do the trick for much less than a full set of porcelain veneers.

Porcelain Veneers: Although traditional porcelain veneers aren’t a “cheap” option compared to anything you could order online, the real value comes in because they’re done right. A dentist who is skilled at cosmetic dentistry will craft a smile design using the tools he feels work best, which may mean using Lumineers, a different brand of ultra-thin veneers, or traditional porcelain veneers.

It’s worthwhile to talk with a couple dentists to see how they’d address your situation because they may propose different solutions with different prices. Although quality and safety should top cost for concerns when deciding on dental work, you’re likely to find there are several cost-effective ways to safely enhance your smile.

This blog is sponsored by Elgin Dentist, Dr. Steve Sirin. Dr. Sirin creates customized treatment plans, which include many of the cosmetic dentistry options outlined here and more.

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