I have a terrible toothache and I know I need to get in to see the emergency dentist really soon. The thing is, my tooth is this bad for a reason. I have really severe dental anxiety, and that’s bad enough as it is, but I also tend to gag a lot when I have x-rays taken. I have never thrown up during treatment before, but I’ve been really close. The worst part is, this time I’m expecting. I’m 14 weeks along and my morning sickness never went away, so everything makes me nauseous already. I’m so beside myself I don’t know what to do. I need to get this tooth take care of, but I also don’t want to traumatize the dentist by puking on him. Honestly, I don’t even know if I can handle anything being in my mouth at all. Please help.
Dear Holly,
Congratulations on the pregnancy! Morning sickness, often called morning-noon-and-night-sickness, doesn’t always go always when it’s “supposed” to, but it is generally a sign of a healthy pregnancy, unless of course you’re stricken with something like hyperemesis gravidarum. It doesn’t sound like you’re dealing with something that severe, though, so that makes things much easier.
First, you’re probably going to want to look for a gentle or caters-to-cowards dentist who also works as an emergency dentist. Doctors who use those kinds of titles totally understand dental anxiety, and they’ll do everything they can to set you at ease. Sometimes, just having people around who have calm demeanors and patience can go a long way. And, you’ll want to explain to them what you’re dealing with in terms of nausea. They make keep a bin by you just in case you start to feel sick, and they’ll also be looking to you for cues that you’re starting to get queasy, so they can take breaks and give you time to collect yourself or recover before moving on.
Having good oral health during pregnancy is incredibly important, as oral issues are linked to preeclampsia, pre-term delivery, low birthweight, and many other things associated with them. So, this is something you should get taken care of sooner rather than later.
It’s also worth noting that your emergency dentist may want to get a release from your OBGYN before treating you, so keep that in mind and see if you can have any necessary paperwork taken care of before you head to the office. Your OBGYN may also be able to provide you with medications to help manage the nausea, so it’s less of an issue during the appointment. Sticking with small meals, and eating regularly, can help with nausea too. Best of luck to you and yours!
This blog is sponsored by Elgin emergency dentist, Dr. Steve Sirin.
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