Can I Remove My Invisalign and/or Attachments for My Wedding?

wedding shoes for Elgin Invisalign question

I started Invisalign about six months ago and thought I’d be done by now, but my dentist says I still have several more months to go. I’m not due to go back for another month and my wedding is in two weeks. I keep looking at myself in the mirror and I’m certain that the attachments will show up in photos and I’m pretty sure my aligners will too. I asked my photographer about having them photoshopped out and she said she could do it, but that it would be at her hourly rate and would likely run a couple-hundred dollars more.

So, the more I think about it, the more I want to try to remove the attachments. Can I pop them off myself and then go back in and have them added on again after the wedding? What about the aligners? How long can I go without them?

Thank you,


Dear Charlotte,

Congratulations on your happy news! Your best bet with this is to contact your dentist and let them know what’s going on. They’ll be able to give you recommendations specific to your case. However, some general info is provided below to help you get started and know what you might be able to expect.

Don’t try to remove the attachments on your own. They’re bonded to your teeth and are the same material fillings are made from. They’re designed to give the aligners something to grip to in order to encourage more movement. In other words, they should be able to withstand a fair amount of force and if they aren’t removed properly, you could cause permanent damage.

Your dentist may be able to remove them for you for a couple of days, but you will want to get them back on as soon as possible. As far as the aligners go, the general rule is that you should be wearing them 22 hours per day. That said, if you’re normally pretty good about wearing them, you can probably get away with keeping them off during the ceremony and reception. Don’t be surprised if they’re a little uncomfortable to put back in or if the next set is more snug than usual though. There’s also a possibility your doctor will have you stay in this set of aligners a little longer than planned, just to ensure you get the movement necessary to progress.

This blog is sponsored by Elgin Invisalign dentist, Dr. Steve Sirin.

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