Did Aaron Judge’s Injury Require an Emergency Dentist?

Emergency dentist for broken tooth

I’m wondering if Aaron Judge’s recent injury required the attention of an emergency dentist or if a regular family dentist would have been good enough. I coach a little league team and safety is an obvious concern. The kids all wear protective gear, but hearing what happened to Judge was a reminder that these things can happen at any time. I honestly don’t know what I would do if something like that happened to one of my kids. How urgent of an issue is this and what should I tell parents if it happens?



Dear Tom,

This is a great question! For those following along who are unfamiliar with the story, Aaron Judge is a Yankees player who recently broke a tooth. However, it wasn’t during the game, as most would expect. He hit his teeth on a helmet while everyone was gathering around on the field after a win against the Rays. Judge was actually worried about safety- his helmet was on the ground and he picked it up, so nobody would get hurt stepping on it. It just so happened that another player was bent over and was moving into an upright position at the same time, and that knocked the helmet into Judge’s teeth. In other words, these injuries could happen at any time, so it’s good to have a plan of action in advance.

Emergency Dentist vs General Dentist

A broken tooth is not necessarily a dental emergency, though something like a knocked out tooth (torn from the roots) would be. It really depends on the circumstances. In Judge’s case, it sounds like he broke off about half of the tooth, which means it would need a crown, but getting to it in the next couple days might be adequate. If that’s the case, waiting to see one’s general or family practice is probably ok, but you’d want to call the office and talk to them, so they can get you in as soon as possible and provide advice. There are times when it is urgent that a child be taken to the emergency dentist right away.

Urgent dental care is needed if…

  • The tooth is totally knocked out
  • The child is in pain
  • The tooth is loose
  • A significant amount of tooth is gone (more than a corner)
  • Swelling or other signs of infection emerge

This blog is sponsored by Elgin Dentist,Dr. Steve Sirin.

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